Praline Zetea

The 100% natural ingredients were selected and processed according to an original recipe created with the aim of highlighting the quality and natural flavors of Zetea products.

Praline Zetea

“Zetea – A story that cannot be told in a few words.”

Praline Silvoriu

224 g

Romanian product created within the Zetea Workshops in Medieșu Aurit.

Praline Cocăzată

224 g

Romanian product created within the Zetea Workshops in Medieșu Aurit.

Praline Afinată

224 g

Romanian product created within the Zetea Workshops in Medieșu Aurit.

Praline Pălincă

224 g

Romanian product created within the Zetea Workshops in Medieșu Aurit.

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